Wheatley Wanderers JFC are proud to announce that we are now recruiting players for the 2019-2020 season. Whether you are an existing player within the club looking to rejoin the team for the following season or you are a new player looking to join the club then you will find all the information needed. We are holding the first signing on events on Saturday 11th and Saturday 18th May 2019 at the pavilion from 9am. Please see your coaches for the date and time. We have produced our new Membership and Guidance Pack 2019 for both new and existing players to keep you informed on everything within the club. So just click the image below:
For existing players to the club you will be required to complete the following forms:
For new players to the club you will be required to complete the following forms and bring with you the players birth certificate or passport as proof of ID. (Players previously registered with the league with another team do not need to bring ID)
Whether you are a new player to the club or an existing player both the player and the players parents/carer will need to attend for the Respect presentation and signing of the forms.
RESEPCT What is Respect? Respect Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials Respect Codes of Conduct for Match Officials Respect Codes of Conduct for Spectators and Paretnts/Carers Respect Codes of Conduct for Young Players/Carers Respect Codes of Conduct for Adult Players
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